North is the Night by Emily Rath

North is the Night by Emily Rath

A beautiful story of friendship, love, family, and what we’ll do to protect them. Rooted in Finnish folklore, this was a fascinating read. Parallels can be drawn between northern mythology to those around the world, including the fear of the “one god” who pushes his way into the north. I did find this to be a bit slow paced in the beginning, it wasn’t until halfway through that it really grab hold and I needed to find how all the pieces came together. Knowing there is going to be a second book, I was shocked that this didn’t end on a cliff-hanger, it could easily be a standalone with all the loose ends tied up nicely. With that said, I will absolutely be reading the second book if/when it gets published.

(Note: This book doesn’t release until December 17th, 2024.)


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