Welcome to Reading Dragons!

Reading Dragons and Friends was first started at the Dover Public Library in 2019 and has grown across the country spanning several libraries. The concept is simple. Read to make your dragons grow!

Earn a family of mythical creature cards for each row you fill in on your reading tracker (available at the library). A family includes 4 cards showing the egg, baby, teen and adult of the dragon you choose. Each box on the reading tracker equals 30 minutes of reading. Bring your tracker to the library to get your cards. The librarian will initial the end of the row once you’ve collected your cards.

Play With Your Dragons!

Rock Paper Scissors

To play, you and a friend each choose one card secretly, keeping it hidden so your friend can’t see what you chose. Then count to 3 and both of you flip over your cards to see who wins.

Red beats Green
Green beats Blue
Blue beats Red
If you have the same color you tie.

Rock Paper Scissors War!

Play this when you have several dragon cards. Make sure you write your name on your cards so you can get your cards back at the end of the game.

  • Mix up both player’s cards and divide them evenly between both players.
  • Place your stack of cards face down on the table. Do not look at your cards.
  • Both players draw the top card on their deck and flip it over at the same time.
    • Red beats Green
    • Green beats Blue
    • Blue beats Red.
  • If you have the same color, the oldest creature wins.
  • If your creatures are the same age then you go to war.
  • To go to war, add two face down cards to the pile, then play one more card face up.
    • Red beats Green
    • Green beats Blue
    • Blue beats Red.
  • If you have the same color, the oldest creature wins.
  • If you tie again go to war until there is a winner.
  • The winner adds both cards to their win pile.
  • Play until you run out of cards.
  • The player with the most cards in their win pile wins.

September’s Dragons: