Black Sheep by Rachel Harrison

Black Sheep by Rachel Harrison


If you are into the world of Scream Queens, then this is definitely the book for you! Black Sheep by Rachel Harris deals with life growing up in a religious cult. Endless days of prayers, church and religious texts surround the life of our cynical twenty-something named Vesper.
Her family is nothing short of normal and just before her 18th birthday, Vesper leaves her small New Jersey town in order to escape the devout community that has raised her, vowing never to go back. Until, or course, she receives a wedding invitation in the mail. Her ex-best friend is getting married to her ex-boyfriend.
Vesper’s homecoming brings allows her to reconnect with her long-lost father, and some brings about some other unbelievable secrets. Will Vesper make it out alive? Or will she be sucked back into the cult and church she once called home.

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